Vintage Trench Coats and Dresses | Thriftanista in the City


Vintage Trench Coats and Dresses

If the trench coat fits, then you must buy it. Trench coats are so fruitful at the thrift but finding one that fits my short arms is no easy feat. Anytime I find sleeves that don't hang down over my hands, I grab.

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I thought spring was on the horizon here in Georgia and was excited to finally break out my new to me trench. The bottom dropped out and winter roared back in but I'm happy with this warmish day and the opportunity to get a wear out of it.

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I topped it over a red dress I found during a recent thrift trip. I love peasant dresses and this one is especially nice with the vibrant red color and flirty tiers. Anthropologie thrift store finds are one of my favorites because the brand is such a fashion inspiration. Those prices though.

thriftanista in the city

I paired the dress with leopard flats but I quickly learned that I had jumped the gun and misjudged how the warm it really was outside. I hopped back into ankle boots for some added warmth.

fleet street vintage khaki trench coat

I love the length of the coat in relation to the dress. I went to drop off packages at the post office and the clerks wanted to know where I was going in all that red. Perhaps is was because I normally look a mess when I roll up in chunky boots and sweatpants but maybe it was the hint o' dress showing.  There's a lady in red mystique peeking out through my trench coat.

thrift anthropologie

thrift fashion
What I Wore: Sunday in Brooklyn dress (Park Ave Thrift) - Fleet Street vintage trench coat - (thrift store) Diane von Furstenberg boots (thrift store) - handmade beaded earrings (Kenya)

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