Thriftanista in the City


Salvation Army Thrift Store Warehouse Tour and WorthPoint Reseller Workshop

Thanks Worthpoint and Salvation army for the resellers workshop and treasure hunt day. It was a wonderful learning experience and a great way to celebrate Earth Day!

I don’t normally click on Facebook ads but I was quite curious as a couple of my favorite places were mentioned - Salvation Army and eBay. It was well targeted! I had heard of Worthpoint but had never fully understood the site so was really glad to be properly introduced and educated on its uses.

worthpoint reseller workshop atlanta

WorthPoint is a database of over 200,000+ makers’ marks, autographs, patterns and symbols (MAPS) to identify items and uncover the history, value and authenticity.

Resellers use the site to:

  • create a personal digital archive of prized possessions

  • Find accurate pricing trends to buy better and sell better

  • Expand knowledge base with their digital library of over 8,000 books, guides, and catalogs

To highlight these services, we were treated to a crash course on assigning value to artwork and listing on eBay.

We had some time to treasure hunt in the store and do what thrift shoppers love to do -- SHOW AND TELL! It was nice seeing what others were attracted to and attaching value to those treasures. I used my time to look for items to add to The Thriftanista Closet

worthpoint reseller workshop atlanta

If you’ve been a longtime viewer of Thriftanista in the City then you know I’ve partnered with the Salvation Army thrift store before. I love the mission and commitment to doing the most good. 

My absolute favorite part of the day was the Salvation Army warehouse tour. SA does their very best to recycle as much as possible. Less than 5% of donated textiles end up in landfills. The funds are then used to support Salvation Army rehabilitation centers.

The warehouse is incredibly organized considering the 1,000s of donations received on a daily basis. I spotted a gorgeous Anuschka hand painted bag that I'm looking forward to bidding on in the Salvation Army eBay store real soon.

worthpoint reseller workshop atlanta

You can find more pictures and videos of the day in my Instagram Reels.


Valentine's Day DIY and Dine Ideas

Valentine’s Day is coming up fast on Friday, February 14. Check out one of my favorite diy craft projects -- heart shaped massage bars for yourself and your significant other. 
Valentine's Day diy cocoa butter massage bars
Even if you aren’t planning to celebrate with massage bars, flowers, chocolates and all things red, perhaps you will want to take advantage of the food discounts happening.
Below are restaurants with Valentine’s Day offers that everyone can enjoy. (Make sure you call your local restaurant to confirm that they’re honoring these Valentine’s Day specials!).
Thanks to RetailMeNot for providing such a great list!


How to Dye a Blah Beige Thrift Store Leather Bag

I can't resist leather bags at the thrift store. Quality leather for $5? Can't beat that with a bat. However, not everything is my style so I have to make some changes. Dyeing leather is a pretty simple DIY fix.

thrift store bag

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