COVERGIRL Girls Can Mascara + Giveaway | Thriftanista in the City


COVERGIRL Girls Can Mascara + Giveaway

Walmart gift cards, product, and information have been provided by COVERGIRL. All opinions are my own.

COVERGIRL knows that #GirlsCan and is promoting the empowerment of women by encouraging them to break down barriers and turn "can't" into "can". 

covergirl girls can mascara

For the month of November, COVERGIRL is donating $50,000 to Dress for Success®, an international not-for-profit organization that promotes the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and life.

before covergirl mascara

There have been a few times in my life when I've had "can't" moments. I told myself I could not drive. I could not leave an abusive marriage. I could not give birth. I could not take pictures on the other side of the street.

covergirl sapphire flare eyeshadow

These are just a few examples but there have been many times when I let fear stand in the way. Eventually, I took action and it turned out that I can and I did.

  • I didn't obtain a drivers license at 16 like a lot of teenagers. I was afraid to drive and I failed the road test twice before actually getting my license at 22 years old.
  • I walked away from an abusive relationship without knowing how I was going to to live without my spouse's income. I survived and life got so much better. 
  • I labored 27 hours with Violet and was exhausted. I lost focus and cried out several "I can'ts" and we all know I most certainly can. That was 4 years ago. Yikes!
  • The other side of the street was a big deal for me. As a socially awkward person, the last thing I want is to be seen as weird (not in the cool way) so setting up the tripod and prancing around in front of it was quite scary for me. I did it though and I continued to do so many more times.

I remember these moments when my brain goes to that "can't" place and I know that I actually can do whatever it is I want to do.

covergirl professional mascara

I feel like a warrior and I feel empowered. I see my strength.  I hear the words of Marianne Williamson.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
I wear sequins. I put on my bluest eyeshadow and a ton of mascara because I like it and because I can.

covergirl girls can walmart giveaway

How do you turn your "can't" into "can"?

Tell me in the comments and you will be entered to win (1) $25 Walmart gift card courtesy of COVERGIRL to help you look your fabulous best while you're out there doing and turning "can't" into "can".  For a limited time, you can find specially marked packs of COVERGIRL Flamed Out Mascara and Pro Mascara on the #GirlsCan display at your local Walmart.

Giveaway ends on November 23rd and the winner will be announced November 24th. Good Luck!

Find out more about the #GirlsCan campaign by visiting or watch this video.

after covergirl mascara
MAKEUP Covergirl & Olay 2-in-1 foundation in Tawny - Covergirl shadow pots in Sapphire Flare - Covergirl Liquiline Blast in Blackfire - Covergirl Lip Perfection in Smitten




Unknown said...

That mascara looks great on you!

Cha Cha The Fashion Genius

Elle said...

I turn my 'can't' into a 'can' with positive thinking and determination to succeed.
prettyinhotpink6 at gmail dot com

Val said...

I turn my 'can't' into 'can' by knowing that I can do whatever it was that I set my mind to. No one ever succeeded by saying can't.

Beauty and the Bump said...

Giiiirrrl! Let's not talking about getting licenses late. I just got my license in June at 29! I turned my can't into can by setting up goals to meet before I turned 30, and I worked hard towards meeting them :)

Unknown said...

I turn my "can't" into "can" by having the confidence to know that I will succeed, if I just have patience and vigor. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
fairyfractal at gmail dot com

Ashleigh said...

Good for you, Troy! I didn't get my license till I was 21. I figured there was no point having it unless I had a car. Let's see....I thought I couldn't have a fashion blog because I am plus sized. I didn't see very many blogs that were for plus-size girls. I love clothes and I really wanted to reach out other plus size girls, to show them that you don't have to be ashamed of how you look, and you can dress nice, chic, in style and for not a ton of money. I CAN have my blog and help other plus size ladies!

Unknown said...

I've been turning can't into can by simply DOING! The more I do, the easier it becomes. Great post. Love the campaign and the eye shadow.

kellyr78 said...

I turn my "can't" into "can" by always trying my best.


HS said...

I turn my 'can't' into 'can' by never giving up in trying and staying positive. kraftmaking at gmail dot com

Elena said...

I turn my 'can't' into 'can' by working hard and never giving up

elena150980 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

By positive Thinking!

DianaC at

Goody said...

Nice campaign and while I don't feel i can't do much of's the west side taurus in me, i love hearing women own their cans and the power and confidence that comes with it.

Anonymous said...

It's so empowering when we turn out cants into cans. I too was awkward about the whole tripod set up thing, but eventually just figured I'd go for it. Found you on the BLM Fan Page.

Menucha said...

I'm with you on the labor thing. I was pushing for a good few hours, with a not-very-encouraging midwife telling me "don't worry, no baby's ever stayed in there". 5 hours, 2 doctors, and 3 midwives later, my precious little man was born...

nightowl said...

I try to visualize myself being successful at whatever it is that I think I can't do. Then I tell myself that I'm capable and that helps.

latanya t said...

I at least try to turn it into a can and pray.

dlatany at gmail dot com

skkorman said...

I turn my "can't into a "can" by stepping away from the problem with a short nap or some reading, which always revives and rejuvenates me!

skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

dlhaley said...

I put my mind to it, think about it, then I attempt to do it.

K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy said...

When I'm in a negative space or "I Can't" mode, I like to battle that with positive affirmations and sayings. I write a few in a notebook and look them throughout the day. Some I even read aloud to myself.

Anonymous said...

When I feel like I "can't" do something, I ask for help. That helps me turn my "can't" into a "can".

Unknown said...

I turn my can't in to can by putting on makeup and hitting the town.

Linda Szymoniak said...

The "can't" I turn into "can" has nothing to do with makeup, but with my passion, which is rescuing animals from kill shelters. Just today I helped transport two sweet little dogs who were saved from the Indianapolis shelter. One of them was surrendered to the shelter with two broken legs - she's fine now and is with her foster this evening. I work with dogs like this every day (cats, too).

Unknown said...

I turn my can't into a can but putting my mind to it and focusing on it
-contact info: shaunie or respond to this reply

Bianca Roman said...

i didn't order anything by myself (like a pizza or take out) until i was in my 20s! i always had my siblings or my parents do it..or i'd do it online if i could..just placing the order and talking to the person over the phone always made me anxious, even though i was outspoken and didn't have problems with talking to people. it was so weird.

good for you for walking away from the abusive relationship <3

Anonymous said...

I try not to think about it to much and just do it!

Antionette Blake said...

What an awesome contest, good luck to all the entrants as I would love to read all the turn abouts from "can't to yes I can"

Julie said...

I turn my can not into cans each day by taking one day at a time and trying to keep optimistic I suffer from major depression so this isn't easy but well worth the effort. thanks for the giveaway

Amy Orvin said...

I turn my can't into can by praying and believing I can do all things through Christ!

Unknown said...

I do a lot of self-talk to turn the can't into can.

Melissa Storms said...

You look great in blue eyeshadow. I psych myself up when I am having trouble convincing myself I can do something.

Deborah G. said...

I turn my "can't" into "can" by forgetting my disability and achieving my goals nonetheless! Anything can be an excuse if you use it to be.

Tabathia B said...

I turn can't into can by not trying to be anyone else and being comfortable in my own skin

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Allison Downes said...

I have confidence and I ignore negativity while trying my best to succeed in the goals I want to accomplish

thanks for the chance to win! I love the blue on you!


mmstarla said...

Pretty look, I love that eyeshadow! My can't turned into a can last month! I felt the greatest source of empowerment last month when I ran and did an awesome job running my first 5k. I have never been a runner, couldn’t even run a mile. I trained myself and completed it and it was such an awesome feeling! This is definitely an awesome movement for Covergirl! #GirlsCan xo


shirley said...

I turn my "can't" into "can" by just keep going ahead, even if I am told I can't.

Mom Knows Best said...

By not listening to negitive people. I give myself a pep talk.

Rebecca said...

wow you're gorgeous. I live life. i take chances. make messes and huge mistakes bu tI don't let those stop me from moving forward.

Unknown said...

I turn my can't into can by pushing any negative thoughts out of my mind. Having the fear of not succeeding makes me want to not even try. So, I block it out and go for it anyways! :)

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely post, Troy!! You're beautiful! Thanks for sharing your story! And I'd love to get my hands on that gift card, too. My mascara stash is running low!

June L said...

I turn my can't into can by remembering that I can do all things through Christ.
junerlisle at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I turn my "can't" into "can" thru hard work and having confidence in my self.


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