White Grape Cosmo with Slim Lizzy's Cocktails | Thriftanista in the City


White Grape Cosmo with Slim Lizzy's Cocktails

There's nothing better than receiving the gift of mommy juice so thank you Slim Lizzy's Cocktails for the prezzies that taste great in my White Grape Cosmo. Because they are so gal pal friendly, here's a special treat for you to enjoy if you're doing a mom's night in or with friends on Galentine's Day (the hot date you have with your friends before Valentine's Day).

white grape cosmopolitan cocktail

galantine's day cocktail

I admit it. I was heavily influenced by Sex and the City back in the day. I loved the friendship. I loved the clothes and I loved the cocktails they enjoyed the most -- the Cosmopolitan. So I was excited to give Slim Lizzy's Cosmo a try.

Slim Lizzy's Cocktails are canned low calorie adult beverages that taste like the real thing. The Cosmopolitan actually does taste like the cosmo you'd find at your favorite swanky lounge. There's no malt or carbonation to give you belly bloat all evening. Saves room for snacks!

slim lizzy's cocktails

At first taste (swigged straight out of the can), it reminded me of a drink I had with one of my favorite gal pals that I've always wanted to create because I've never ever found it on the menu any place else -- the black cosmo! I don't remember what was in it but I do know it had a grape taste to it.

I bought grapes and grape juice and experimented until I got the perfect mix. This is it. It's juicy, sweet and refreshing. The grape cubes at the bottom of the drink are fantastic. Enjoy.

cosmopolitan recipe

White Grape Cosmo Cocktail


1 can Slim Lizzy's Cosmo Cocktail
3 oz white grape juice
3 oz vodka
a generous squirt of agave
splash of lime
frozen grapes as ice cubes


Shakey shake it the martini shaker with some ice and serve.

Makes one for you and one for your Galentine!

What's your favorite beverage to have with the girls?

valentine's day cocktail



Kate @ A Thought and a Half said...

I've read about using frozen grapes in drinks before, because it keeps it from watering down. This sounds like adult grape juice... which isn't a bad thing by any stretch!

stephanickety said...

What a cute cocktail! I never like olives in my drinks, but using grapes is such a great idea! Love it!

Antionette Blake said...

Mommy Juice - now that's cute! #BLMGirls

Unknown said...

How clever! I love the grapes instead of olives! #BLMGirl

Unknown said...

This looks delicious!

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