Her eating habits are iffy. Her absolute favorites are chicken bones. We let her gnaw on them and she loves it. I don't think she's vegetarian. It's crazy. She gets this wild look in her eyes and gnaws away. She cries when we take it away.
She will eat the pre-made baby food if she sees us eating too. It's not that interesting for her otherwise.
She loves her food feeder
She is still bewb obsessed. She has refused her bottle on occasion and will only accept milk from the source some nights. We're still feeding every 2 hours or less most of the time. Hunger or comfort? I don't know. I just give her what she wants.
When she's not crawling or chomping on a chicken bone she enjoys: jumping, climbing, removing items from the cubby holes in the living room table; hearing her Mama SANG! (she's the only one); receiving kisses; banging the keyboard; and chattering way mixed with a few grunts, spit bubbles, and growls.
Tee-hee Happy Monday! |
Time does fly. My little one is already 4 mos. Where did the time go?
Month 6 to say flew by but it's been slow going otherwise...
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