BabyBjorn's New Bouncer Sneak Peak | Thriftanista in the City


BabyBjorn's New Bouncer Sneak Peak

A few weeks ago Violet and I attended a blogger sneak peak of the new BabyBjorn Bouncer Balance Soft. While noshing and chatting with fellow bloggers, I learned a little bit about the BabyBjorn bouncer. 

Mingling before breakfast

The original version first came on the scene in 1961. This version is softer and modern giving baby the feeling of being in a cozy little nest.

The star -- BabyBjorn's Bouncer

It's perfect for resting or for play. Baby learns quickly that they can rock themselves. No batteries required. Naturally all of that rocking can lead to an unexpected snooze. The bouncer easily and quietly adjusts to a lower position without disturbing the wee one. It's also portable and can be taken from room to room with ease or use when traveling.

the different bouncer positions

You know what I found most exciting about the bouncer? It turns into a toddler chair and can be used up to 29 pounds! Violet likes sitting in chairs and has taken some tumbles climbing in and out of chairs. I'm currently in search of some mini furniture for her.  It's too late for V and the bouncer but it's the kind of product I would have wanted for her. 

for baby and for toddler
I like baby products that are long term and can span many years and I made sure I bought quality items that would last even if the price was a bit steep. This is one of those items I would have definitely put on my list. 

V's tiger giving the bouncer a test run.

For more information about BabyBjorn's new bouncer, visit them online at

I was not compensated for this post. I did receive a goodie bag with a little something in it that I plan to share with one of you. Stay tuned! 


Antionette Blake said...

So cute!

Ellen aka Ellie said...

I feel so old when I see things like this. ;) Perhaps for a one day grandchild...

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