Violet Says: Be the Princess | Thriftanista in the City


Violet Says: Be the Princess

It's not easy being a princess
It's not alway glam

and fun times

Sometimes I spend the whole day

running from the paps aka Mama.

But dah-lings, there's shopping and jewels!
Does it get any better?
Mama Note: Jewels are fake, clothes are rummaged, and bags are filled with groceries.


Jeanine Byers said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful princess!! :) Saw you on Chandra's blog and came over to say hello.

That's My Mama said...

Hey Cutie! She and my lil lady Corrin would get along great :)

Mrs. Collins said...

Adorable princess!

Mama Violet said...

Hi Jeanine! Thanks for stopping by.

Mama Violet said...

Aww she needs girlfriends too other than Mama.

Mama Violet said...

thank you!

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