Violet Says - Help Me Vacuum | Thriftanista in the City


Violet Says - Help Me Vacuum

Ready to vacuum
Pitch in anytime.....

Missed a spot

What is that?

Can you lift the couch for me?

Still waiting on that couch lift...

A little assistance? Please and thanks.

Congratulations to TSC member and fellow blogger Adjua who won the $25 gift card!


Chandra said...

That smile...that hair! Too cute:D

Carrie Teal said...

She is a cutie, you are training her well !

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Awww that's so cute!

Nellie said...

She is remarkably cute!and hardworking!

simplychic said...

omg she's tooooooo cute. look at all that hair!!!


Cward said...

Her expressions are priceless. :-)

Mama Violet said...

She wants to help...for now.

Mama Violet said...

Thank you. I do comb her hair sometimes. Really.

Mama Violet said...

She likes to sweep and unload the dishwasher too.

Mama Violet said...

Thank you.

Mama Violet said...

I love it. She has a lot of them. Some I recognize from my own face.

Tiff said...

She is effective. Tell her to come over here. She cleans better than my fiance!

Mama Violet said...

She'll dirty it up more than she will clean. I'll loan her to you anyway. :)

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