The Sleep Chronicles - Daylight Savings Time Setback | Thriftanista in the City


The Sleep Chronicles - Daylight Savings Time Setback

I know I've said I'm going to shut up about the sleep but it's a major factor in my life and the lives of all the sleep deprived. I must talk about it to keep from going all crazy and fetal.

The end of daylight savings has set US back! V was starting to sleep until 5:30 consistently. Now she's waking between 4 and 4:30. This is some bull! I was just starting to wrap my brain around a 5:30 wake. It's still too early for me but not crazy ridiculous like 4 am.

I've decided to nip it in the bud. I'm moving forward with getting her to sleep until 7 am which is approximately what time she wakes up and not in a crabby mood.

This morning she woke up at 4:30. I gave her a few pats on the back and a pacifier and said "night,night". She whined until I went in for her normal 5:00 feeding. I picked her up, fed her and put her back in the crib. She did not go back asleep until 7 am and slept for about an hour. She woke up happy instead of disgruntled and half asleep. Why do toddlers resist sleep? Sleep is awesome.

Normally I co-sleep with her for 1 or 2 hrs. She latches on and falls asleep on me. She makes a very warm and cozy blanket. I've been doing this because I enjoy the cuddle time and the extra snoozes for me.

If I dont co-sleep she will not go back to sleep. I feel like the co-sleeping isn't the right way to go at this point. It's only making her dependent on me for sleep. It's like we're going in reverse. I've found myself having to co-sleep at nap time too in order for to sleep at least an hour. All the while, she's squirming and twisting and trying to take my nipple with her. She turns on to her other side but wakes up quickly when she realizes the nipple isn't with her. If I try to move her to her bed, she wakes up. She's asleep but it doesn't seem like she's getting good sleep (see picture above for GOOD SLEEP example).

Violet's sleep has slowly improved over the year and none of it just happened on its own. I have had to put rules in place and stick to them. So I'm here again firmly sticking to the the new rules.

Rule 1: No feeding between 11 pm and 5 am (not a problem until DST ended)
Rule 2: No co-sleeping (save baby cuddles for a fully awake happy baby)
Rule 3: V must stay in crib after feeding until 7 am the next day (the ideal)

It's challenging. There will be some tired, teary days ahead but I'm staying focused on better sleep for the both of us.

Where are my fellow sleep deprived caffeine addicted zombie mamas? How to you stay sane and come to terms with sleep deprivation? Have you made peace with baby sleep patterns?


Sara said...

My sanity is long gone. I've come to accept that I will just never sleep more than three hours a time ever again. Suffice to say, I have no advice but I feel your pain through and through.

Tricia Hersey said...

I feel the pain as well. Have you tried not doing the 5am feeding either? I co-slept from birth till he was 9 months and then we attempted the put them to bed and walk away "cry it out method." That really didnt work at first. I also remember once he weaned that helped as well. We just went kinda organic and some days I was good and others I surrendered just to get sleep. I accepted the sleep deprivation as part of the whole deal after crying many days. By two he was sleeping alone in his own big bed and i didnt see his face until like 7am. Hang in there.

Ellen Stewart (aka Ellie/El/e/Mrs. Seaman) said...

Are you ingesting caffeine? Could she be getting some of the effects of that?

Mama Violet said...

@Sara cheers! *raises a mug of coffee*

Mama Violet said...

@Tricia Hersey we were working towards dropping a feeding. I think we need to stabilize a bit more. We've dropped her bedtime feeding already. We had a really good today though. Long naps. Good eating and I had 3 nice breaks throughout the day. Feeling optimistic and sleepy.

Mama Violet said...

@Ellen Stewart (aka Ellie/El/e/Mrs. Seaman) nope. I have 1 cup after her feeding. It's just baby sleep. She could be too hot too cold teething lonely any number of issues.

Baby Shopaholic said...

I am so suffering from this! My baby is on whole milk. She wakes up all night! Righ now I am rolling on about 4 hrs for 3 days! I think I am going to pass out!

Lisa C Writes said...

Wow...that must be killing you! I am no longer sleep deprived from my little ones, its more so on my doing and that's another story. I do remember going through this though and all I can say is this too shall pass. It won't last forever and when its over you're going to miss cuddling while co-sleeping. I did. So when I had more kids I stuck it through and had to evaluate what was pulling me in the other direction. What did I want to hurry up and do to get away from this part of my life with my baby. I know sleep is the most important thing on your mind right now but what's on hers? Just something to think about.

Tiff said...

Okay so I am scared to have babies now!!!! DST screws them up too!!!! Dear Lord :(

Mama Violet said...

@Baby Shopaholic cheers! Glad to have the company. Wishing you full nights of sleep in the future.

Mama Violet said...

@Lisa C Writes I go through phases. Sometimes I'm accepting and sometimes I'm super frustrated. This is me in tired frustration.

Mama Violet said...

@Tiff don't be afraid. You could get one of those sleepy babies I've heard about. :)

Tricia Hersey said...

having a child with colic and extreme acid reflux as an infant taught me i am not a soilder mama and all i can say is it will be over soon and you will be so appreciative of a full 8 to 9 hours everyday that is coming in your future. its coming

Mama Violet said...

@Tricia Hersey last night I had 7 hrs! E got up for 1 night waking and she slept until 5.

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