Halloween: Pink Poodle Baby | Thriftanista in the City


Halloween: Pink Poodle Baby

Happy Halloween! Violet did not go trick or treating on her 2nd Halloween but her grandmother was kind enough to supply us with a costume. My mama knows that she wouldn't have one otherwise.

This costume is super adorable and I think V enjoyed wearing it. She was all smiles in it.


Nicole - Craft My Soul said...

VEry very very adorable! I LOVE it! SHe's a doll!

Kalley C @ Blogging While Nursing said...

Aww, she looks so cute! I love the pink poodle & I'm feeling that halloween shirt too!

Kimbunnii said...

OMG so freakin adorable!

Ellen Stewart (aka Ellie/El/e/Mrs. Seaman) said...


Lunch Eater said...

These are the MOST ADORABLE pics!!!! I LOVE THE COSTUME!!!

Krystal said...

Troy, lunch eater is me, I have to fix that lol. Krystal

Lunch Eater said...

That was a one time thing.

Tricia Hersey said...

so darn cute. her teeth are hilarious. she is growing up tooo fast.

Cam | Bibs and Baubles said...

LOVE the costume and absolutely LOVE that last picture. What a cutie!

Baby Shopaholic said...

What a cute poodle! She looks like she loves her costume.

Mama Violet said...

Thanks, ladies! I kinda love the costume too! I want to put her in it everyday. Must find a reason to get her in it as she will most likely not be wearing it next year.

YUMMommy said...

Too cute!!

Jeannee said...


Mama Violet said...

Thank you, @YUMMommy and @Jeanee

T.O. said...

Awww too cute! I am curious to know how long you all were out. I was exhausted with my 5 year old.

Mama Violet said...

We just went to the grocery store and back so not long. I'm not ready to go knock on doors and ask for candy yet but I did want to see her in the costume again. I love it.

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