Crawling? | Thriftanista in the City



In my thirsty attempt to capture her crawling for the very first time I recorded this overly long (2 mins) but super cute footage of Queen V looking like a seal on the floor.

SPOILER ALERT: She doesn't crawl! She's close though, right?

Ignore the messiness in the background like I try to do!


Polish Mama on the Prairie said...

Awww! How old is she? She's definitely getting there, exercising and developing those muscles she is going to need. Mine both crawled backwards first and did better on carpet than wood or laminate. So adorable, be proud, Mama!

Ellen Stewart (aka Ellie/El/e) said...

Ummm...maybe roll her sleeves up so her little palms can get some traction on the floor?


Abbie said...

She is as cute as pie!!! And your loc's are gorgeous ;)

Mama Violet said...

@Polish Mama she's 6 months. She does a backwards scoot.

@Ellen normally her palms are free but it's hard to get the traction on the wood. She can get her legs in position but they slide alot.

@Abbie Thank you.
Love your blog!

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