Best Cliche of a Day Ever | Thriftanista in the City


Best Cliche of a Day Ever

I am one of millions who got engaged on Valentine's Day. Five years ago I was having a lovely meal from the "Like Water for Chocolate" menu when He popped the question and pulled out a ring. It was quite a surprise. 

We had been living together for a few years. We're not really Valentine's Day kind of people. We had not discussed marriage. I'm glad we went ahead and did it. I love being his wife.

Not actual engagement photo. This is from the kwanjula.

Photo Booth - Us

My favorite lovie dovie song.

Happy Monday, February 14th or Valentine's Day to you!


Tricia Hersey said...

I love the photos.. Too too cute. The older I get the less I care about any holiday. I really love birthdays and go all out for them, but the rest, meh. If it wasn't for saheim I don't think we would have even acknowledged xmas. Tommy said I'm turning into a grumpy old lady. Ha!

Ellen said...


aminah said...

Ok this is just too beautiful for words.

Mama Violet said...

Thank you.

@Tricia Birthdays are my favorite too. I do not have my mom's holiday spirit.

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