A Half Birthday | Thriftanista in the City


A Half Birthday

She's 6 months official!
From 6 pd 8 oz to 15 pounds.
Sleeping about 22 hours a day to 13 hours.
Having no control over limbs to managing to put both feet in mouth.
I hear a lot of mom's say how fast it all happens. It didn't happen that way for me. These 6 months have been long! I'm so happy with the progress she's made and looking forward to her future progress. Teeth, crawling, walking...let's go!

Stink eye to the parents.

Getting some good sleep. Le sigh.
The newborn diaper that no longer fits.
Milk drunk
She looks alien-ish here. Brand new to the earth.

Did time fly or stand still for you?


Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Happy 6-months ... hooray for reaching such a great milestone!

Shynea @ Penny Pinching Diva said...

My time with my Lil' Diva flew by. She is almost eight months old and I can't believe how fast the time went. She'll be one soon and I can feel the tears coming on because she's getting so old so fast. She's already crawling, pulling up, and trying to stand on her own. I wish time would start dragging but because before I know it I'll be taking her to kindergarten.

Take care,

P.S. Your baby girl is beautiful. Gorgeous. I take my hats off to you for cloth diapering. I lasted two hours. lol

Mama Violet said...

She seems so grown up already except when she's crying like a baby. I love watching her grow.

@Shynea I still use disposables for overnight and for long outings. I have recently started buying more (then she NEEDS) so I'm going 100% when this last pack of diapers run out.

Funkidivagirl said...

I love the "milk drunk" photo. I'm sure people tell you this all the time, but please enjoy every stage...it really does fly.

New York State of Mom said...

Awww Happy 1/2 Birthday!! No time really flew, I'm still trying to grip onto the "baby" times and mine is about to be 2 :-(. Enjoy it!

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