The Vacation in My Mind | Thriftanista in the City


The Vacation in My Mind

The winter months are hard on me. I do not like cold weather and can spend days in the house with the heat cranked or with many layers depending on what the energy bills look like for the month. I spend a lot of time looking a vacation photos and imagining the day I return to the coast of Kenya.

I can't wait to take Little Miss here and watch her play in the sand. It's on my vision board so it has to happen this year.

This is as close as I got to being in the water. I can't swim and I need to learn.
I'm wrapped up even though it's really hot but I was trying to keep the sun allergy from flaring up.
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My view from the cot I was glued to on the beach.
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Another cot view.
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Glued to a chair this time. White sand and palm trees. I love it.
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View from vacation cottage.
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Love these flowers. They were everywhere in so many different colors.
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The walk to breakfast.
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Minutes later I was knocked out on the patio holding a book in my hand.
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Me in the maxi dress I sewed. Perfect vacation outfit.
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Are you anti-winter? Where do you want to be transported? Love winter? Do you venture out? People living in warm weather climates, can I come visit for a couple months?

1 comment

Ellen Stewart (aka Ellie/El/e) said...

I haved lived here for my entire 50 years. I think I need to accept winter and find things to like about it since I will most likely be here for another 25 or so...perhaps life!

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