Baby Sign Language - New Word | Thriftanista in the City


Baby Sign Language - New Word

Because we say it several times a day while Little Miss is in the Jumperoo.


Very poor quality of Jumperoo in action.


Camishar said...

Oh my goodness... she is having a blast!!! I want to play in it :-) I'm sooo happy she loves it. Every baby always have that one toy that rocks their world and jumping is her thing. She looks so happy in it. You're welcome sweetie.

Tricia Hersey said...

haha.she is really bouncing. is that a box she is jumping on? I love the creativity you used to get her in it before she was tall enuf. She loves it.

Mama Violet said...

Yes that is a Dell computer box. We need to switch to books because she's stretching out!

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