Christmas List Wishes | Thriftanista in the City


Christmas List Wishes

This year Me and Him are not exchanging gifts and did not buy gifts for Little Miss. It just felt like the right thing to do with me just one income this year. We already have everything we need so we're going to keep it frugal and focused on family this year.

If we were going for the material goods this is what my list would look like.

My Christmas List (for me and Little Miss)

SCILIA rainbow crystal ring (unique and sparkly)
Haji Couture earrings (these have been on my list many many years)
iPad (this is what Little Miss requested for Christmas)
Zebra Mary Jane Baby Janes (more Little Bitty Baby shoes)
VIOlight Toothbrush Sanitizer (doesn't everybody want one of these?)
Bumbo Chair (Little Miss needs a seat)
Beco Butterfly Carrier (I learned about this from Mama Dweeb and now I want one)
Flower Headband (big fan of fascinators and big hair accessories and it's PURPLE)
Roku Player (toying with the idea of completely doing away with cable TV)
Crock Pot (I imagine myself creating fabu meals every other night)
Ladybug Constellation Night Light (Little Miss loves to stare at the lights)
El Debarge's new album (love me some El)
Baby Food Maker (I have grand ideas of making all of her food myself)
Single Cup Coffee Maker (I need a quicker coffee solution in the morning)
Leopard Tights (who doesn't want Leopard tights?)
Stylish Diaper Bag (cute and functional)
Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People Book (I love Amy Sedaris)
Fabric (for the collection)
Netflix subscription (to accompany the Roku player)
Baby sign language classes (we need to communicate!)

What's on your list? Are you getting the "it" item for your little ones?

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