Flashback Friday | Thriftanista in the City


Flashback Friday

This is what my hair looked like in 2006. This was the only time I've ever had my locs washed, twisted, and styled by a professional. It cost me $20 in Nairobi, Kenya (can't beat that with a stick). I am going to DIY it tomorrow since loc maintenance is on my "Get It Together" list. If all goes well, I will be able to see my scalp again!

He doesn't know it yet* but Little Miss will be planted in his loving arms for the day. This is an 8 hour job.

Dare I try to recreate the front?

I probably should crop that butt out of this photo.

....and when its all done I'll be one Sexy MF (of course not as sexy as Prince).

*Update: he has been informed and has offered to pay for me to have someone else do it (less time). No thanks! This is apart of my mom-cation. I'm doing it myself!


V dot said...

Nice of him to offer to pay to get out of babysitting, I mean to pay to get your hair done. ;o)


Mimi said...

Boy I tell you, anything to get out of keeping baby for an extended period of time!

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