Wordless Wednesday - Frolic in the Park | Thriftanista in the City


Wordless Wednesday - Frolic in the Park

I'm walking.

I'm walking with a leaf.

I'm tired of holding this leaf.

I think I can craft this into a hair accessory.

What's over here?
Ahhh, the swings. My favorite!

Eek! Look at that lion.
Just kidding.
Put the camera down and push me.


Girl...get a life said...

I love the swings! You can push me next time. :)

Fashion Pad said...

Super cute pics....and commentary, lol.

Mama Violet said...

@Girl...get a life then you push me!

Mama Violet said...

@Fashion Pad thank you!

Baby Making Mama said...

Oh my goodness, how cute is SHE?! haha, love her commentary too!

Love her bows, what a little fashionista! Thanks for linking up to mini mod!

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