Wordless Wednesday - Box O' Fun | Thriftanista in the City


Wordless Wednesday - Box O' Fun

Want some? It's really soft.
And just look at how it crumples up. It's super awesome.
Am I being naughty?


Sara said...

Haha. If that were David he'd also be eating the tissues. He has an obsession with eating anything paper-like.

Ellen Stewart (aka Ellie/El/e/Mrs. Seaman) said...

Nothing in reach is naughty. Start moving more things up Mom!

Girl...get a life said...

It's all cute fun and games until someone has to clean up the mess. :)

Mama Violet said...

@Sara she likes paper too probably more than actual food. #babiesareweird

@Girl the tissues weren't such a bad clean up. I was on the other side of the couch super frustrated trying to pull her stroller out. Her with the tissues made me laugh.

Girl...get a life said...

Glad she provided comedic relief. I like the face she's making in the last photo.

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