A Hair Post: Before and After | Thriftanista in the City


A Hair Post: Before and After

The Before - Cousin It Locs
I felt like a big ball of hair.

This is how I left the salon. Bantu knots hurt. My scalp was pulsating. I think I'll stick with pipe cleaner curls.
The After
I have bangs and layers. Some locs are really short and I whimper silently when I touch them. The longest ones are just below my shoulders. My hair feels light and airy! I still got some hair pulls but not as many since there aren't so many hanging at her level. When I bend down hair doesn't come rushing to the front of my face and falling all over the Queen's face covering her eyes and getting in her mouth. No hair in my food or drinks either.


V dot said...

I like it a lot.
You still have a lot of hair; but now you look super glam. Your hair looks fuller, too. And the slightly shorter length makes your face look more chiseled (like it does when it's pulled back).


Can I have your glasses? Please?

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Looks fab. You wear it well!

Abbie said...

Your locs are beautiful!

Ellen Stewart (aka Ellie/El/e) said...

Love it, it looks so light!

Camishar said...

I love it! They look great :-)

Mama Violet said...

Thank you, Ladies!

Mimi said...

Love them short!

Mama Violet said...

Thank you!

Sara said...

Looks great! I look forward to seeing it in person at the next babywearing meetup. I admit I'm jealous of all the hair you have, someday mine will hopefully grow back haha.

Mama Violet said...

Thanks Sara!

Tanesha said...

Love it

Mama Violet said...

Thanks Tanesha!

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