8 Tips to Sell Your Poshmark Closet Like A Boss | Thriftanista in the City


8 Tips to Sell Your Poshmark Closet Like A Boss

Like a lot of thrifters, I accumulate a lot of stuff. When I gather up the energy to prune the closet, I always find great items that I can sell so I bundle those pieces all together in another area of the closet to be photographed and listed on Poshmark. I was doing eBay back in the day but I liked how similar Poshmark was to the social media tools I already use.

It's a lot of work though and frankly the millennial process is a bit confusing to my Gen X brain which is why I popped into a Poshnation event when it came to Atlanta.

poshmark poshnation seller stylist even in atlanta
photo credit: Poshmark

Poshmark hosts twelve Poshnation Seller Stylist tours a year. It's a chance for the community to celebrate each other's style and build their network of potential shoppers. Not only is it a great party with cupcakes, cocktails and photo booth fun, there was a lot of good energy and inspiration in the air.

poshmark app to sell your closet
photo credit: Poshmark
I have money goals for the new year so I listened with both ears as some of the top seller stylist shared their wealth of knowledge on getting started and being successful on Poshmark. Here's what I gleaned:

poshmark closet selling tips
photo credit: Poshmark
1. Start small. Set a manageable goal for yourself. Work with items you already have in your closet or the closets of family and friends before you start purchasing a bunch of inventory.

2. Start with easy to sell items like tops and accessories. People are looking for inexpensive and unique pieces for their closets.

selling clothes on poshmark
photo credit: Poshmark
3. Source the tried and true.  Think about items you buy for your own closet, popular brands that are heavily searched (J. Crew, Anthropologie, Madewell), and gain insights from Poshmark's party of the day.

4. Poshmark is all about community so make sure to do a lot of sharing. The app works a lot like other social media sites. Hearts, shares, and comments are always appreciated. Give and you too shall receive.

5. Take eye catching photos and describe items as if a person could not see the item. Photos should show the item you're selling in the best light. Make sure it's wrinkle free and styled even if it's on a hanger or mannequin.

6. Be consistent. Post and re-share your closet listings often even if it's one item a day.

photo credit: Poshmark

7. Utilize the newest tools available with Poshmark dressing room such as private offer, free shipping bundles, and direct sharing. With private discount, you can offer an interested buyer a special discount that's only available for 24 hours. You can offer free or reduced shipping as a special discount when an offer is made. You can also share items directly with a Posher for a personalized stylist touch.

8. Join a local Poshmark group or an online group where you can network and learn from others in the community.

Are you a Poshmark Seller Stylish? What tips do you have?

thriftanista in the city

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