DIY Metallic Block Heels | Thriftanista in the City


DIY Metallic Block Heels

Sometimes I'm a little to quick with my trigger finger when I shop online. This time my mom gifted me with an old Francesca's credit she wasn't going to use. I saw someone on Instagram with a cute pair of peep toe booties and I went looking for them. They were sold out so I bought something similar. When they arrived, I was underwhelmed. Instead of going through the return process, I decided to DIY. Metallic reflective blocks heels give these simple black shoes a fresh new look.

diy metallic heels

This is a great diy for those old thrift store shoes with a block or triangle heel. They're a thrift store staple and are usually very affordable. Adding a metallic touch helps them look less dated. Also great for covering up nicks.

When I set out to do this project, I was looking for something in silver to match the buckle. The copper paper caught my eye instead because it had a pinkish hue. I love rose gold! (My "basic" is showing.)

DIY Metallic Heels

rose gold heels diy

Supplies Needed
metallic contact paper (washi tape will probably work too)
x-acto knife
old shoes
glue* (optional)

shoe refashion

Instructions  Cut paper into 1" wide strips.  The length should be cut long long enough to extend past the length of heel. Remove backing from paper and place strips on heel starting in the center back. Overlap the strips so that the entire heel is covered. Use the x-actio knife to precisely carve the paper around heel. Make small cuts and feel for indentations to make sure you're getting a clean finish. Peels away the excess paper.

*For extra security add glue then lay the strips.

makeover old shoes

This is an extremely easy diy. You don't need a lot of tools and supplies. It's easy to remove too. You don't have to commit to it. You can create a different looks with ease. I found the contact paper on Amazon. It's available in silver and gold too.

metallic heels diy

Do you like metallic block heels?

diy copper heels

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